OpticShield Smoke
Thickness of the polyurethane film: 150 mikron
Taber abrasion resistance: <3,5 g / 1000 g (ASTM D – 1044)
Gloss value: > 90
Tensile strength: 352kg/cm2
Elongation at break: 110%
Adhesive: Repositionable, non-yellowing, crystal-clear acrylic adhesive.
Resistance: The film is resistant to general-use automotive fuels.
WARRANTY: The installer assumes a 3-year warranty on the installation. The warranty period begins on the date of the invoice issued for the installation. The warranty applies only if installation is carried out on the original factory paintwork. The warranty is non-transferable and applies only to the original customer.
EXPECTED DURABILITY: Expected durability periods is 5-year. The expected durability of the film concerns the non-appearance of yellowing and surface cracks.
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